Metal, textile, wood, printing ...

Laser sheet metal cutting

The library not only focuses on the most efficient packing of parts but also considers your specific industrial processes and cutting constraints to deliver the most suitable layout for your needs. It offers a wide range of features tailored to various industries and processes such as sheet metal, textile, wood, printed materials, stone, leather, and more. These features aim to help you save material, improve cutting time, and optimize unloading and additional machine operations. Some of the key features include:

  • Nest in containers or sets of containers of any size and shape (rolls, sets of sheets, etc.).
  • Manage various gaps between parts or between parts and the container’s borders.
  • Nest in different directions or corners.
  • Continue or fill an existing nest with parts that were nested previously.
  • Add priorities to parts based on production or unloading constraints.
  • Favor common lines to speed-up cutting time.
  • Manage cutting machines with multiple parallel heads, either in the x or y direction.
  • Automatically add optional parts when the container is not fully utilized.

These features can also be tailored to specific processes, such as managing milling tools of different radii in wood or adding extra landmarks for printing machine calibration.